Friday, October 21, 2011

Still in Tulsa

I am currently still in Tulsa Oklahoma. I have been staying in the Warrior R.V. Park for a little over 3 months. Seen a lot of people come and go. The park isn't bad. It is definitely not the Ritz. But it is not a rag bag park either. The owners are quite nice. And some of the neighbors have been nice also. But it is funny my little 26' Dutchmen setting next to a $100k+ motor coach. Kinda makes me feel like the turd in the punch bowl... Also the "older" folks who own these land yachts kinda avoid me. I guess its the long hair... Who knows what they think. Nor do I really care. But alas I am happy. And I guess that is what matters in the end! I have noticed a few people in the park that need a manual on how to live in a park. (IE bright outdoor lights left on all night, honking horns at the crack of dawn, reving up their big one tons late at night or early in the morning) Maybe I am just being a stickler. But I do not do any of those things. So others should treat their neighbors how they want to be treated!

Busy busy!

Been really busy as of late getting set up for the colder weather coming. We had a few nights of temperatures in the 30's. On the first night I ended up running out of propane. And come to find out only one of my takes has the OPD valve replacement. So I am looking for a place to replace the other. And to also inspect the take. I ran into a huge headache trying to find  place to fill my "up to date" take. Cause most propane sellers don't know much about the DOT laws on tanks. And will not fill older tanks even if they are currently within inspection... Lame I know! Anyhow I did find an R.V. dealership that filled my tank. And pointed me in the right direction to get the other tank "legal". Which I need to get done before the cold hits us! Been toying with the idea of getting a 20lb tank. So I can use the exchange service in a pinch. I know it costs more. But it is better than freezing! I will try to get back to posting daily. As things are winding down a bit. Hopefully I will stay busy through out the winter. And as things are looking now. I may be pretty darn busy! It would be nice to be busy and get paid well. But in these times I guess we can't have both...

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

We are back!

Sorry it has taken me so long since my last post. My computer suffered a full on meltdown. And I could not afford to go out and buy a new one till yesterday. All is well with me though. I am in Tulsa Oklahoma at The Warrior R.V. Park. It is a pretty good little spot. With very few headaches. It is close to downtown Tulsa. And has great internet! The owners have been very kind. And it has over all been a great spot. The heat however has been brutal! Even with my a.c. running day and night. Some days my fifth wheel gets up into the 80's inside. I bought a box fan at the china store. That helps with keeping cool. It has been a savior! I have been testing some products while I have been absent. And the reviews are forth coming. Hope all is well out there in R.V. land!


Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Requests Are In!

Thank you everyone who took the time to write me with your ideas.The number one request has been pictures. And I totally agree with everyone who suggested it. I will start using pictures on this blog asap! My camera is not the best in the world. But will do the job just fine. I am also working on a few other projects that will add to the blog tremendously! But I do not want to let the cat out of the bag quite yet. I still want your ideas for the blog. So please drop me a line anytime you want. Also please tell all your friends and family that may enjoy reading this blog.

Thank you!


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I Need Your Input!

To all my readers. What would you like to see happen with this blog? I would like your input as to what would make you want to check it everyday. I am open to most anything. All you have to do is tell me! You can send your input to

Thank you!


Saturday, June 18, 2011


Boy o boy it has been hot this week! Yesterday when I was coming back from picking you my truck from the shop. I saw on a banks electronic sign. That it was 103 degrees out! That is crazy hot! So that kind of makes my chore list go slowly. As I try to stay in to keep cool. The evenings do cool down some. But it really does not start cooling off until well after the sun sets. Which is no good for working on some of the projects that I need to get done! Oh well, maybe I can catch a break this next week with a couple of nicer days. That would defiantly be a god send!

I have some things coming up that are still in the works. But will be really cool when and if they work out! So stay tuned for updates!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Busy Day!

Sorry for not posting much today! I have been wicked busy. I am working on my tow vehicle today. Because its goes into the shop in the morning. And I am still in the midst of my roof repair. Dang thunderstorm last night threw a HUGE wrench into that one! Cannot wait till I get all this stuff done. So I can get back to the regular scheduled programming!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I'm Baaaaaack!

Got my computer back. Had the hard drive reformatted and a fresh operating system installed. Runs a lot better and smoother now! So no more slow refresh rates ect.

We had some wicked thunderstorms pass to the south last night. I figured since I had just got all the bad wood taken out of my trailers roof. And the hole all dried out. That I would come through here. But as luck would have it. It stayed away from my roof project! YAY! So that was a really good thing! The project is coming along nicely. I am learning a lot about how they build these trailers. There actually isn't much to them! The worst part is parts are pricey! I have a couple hundred into the project. But will have left overs in case I have to fix any more roof damage in the future. LOL maybe I should just open my own RV repair shop? That is where the money is!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

When it rains it pours!

Well I discovered some water damage on my roof yesterday. So at the moment I have a 4' by 18" hole up there that I will continue to work on today. Thank goodness I know how to fix these sorts of things. Cause the local RV shop wanted around a $1000.00 to fix it. It will probably end up costing me 2-3 hundred after all is said and done. RVs are like boats. And well all know what boat stands for. (bust out another thousand) But after this the roof will be back at 100%. So that is the upside! Also my computer has been acting up. So I will be taking it to get fixed later today. Hopefully I will have it back today. But if not it will be done tomorrow. My computer is 5 years old. So that means it is an antique now. I know I need a new one. But not for awhile now! Oh well at least I can afford all the repairs and such. It could be a whole lot worse!

Monday, June 13, 2011

What a morning!

Spent most of this morning at the bank opening new personal and business accounts. It went pretty smooth but is still a pain in the you know where. But all is good now with that! Had a great weekend with my girlfriend. Spent a lot of time just hanging out and watching movies and napping. I needed to catch up on some rest! Went to a little get together at one of our friends houses on Friday night. It was good to see all of them! As far as today goes. Need to go to the RV place and check on some parts. And getting some things done to my tow vehicle. So I am sure that will cost way to much!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Weather and new web address

Hello out there in the interweb. Just setting here drinking my morning coffee. And writing this entry. It has been raining most of the night I guess. It was lighting when I laid down. So I guess the rain was not far behind. Who knows because I slept right though it. I just love sleeping while it is raining out. That is some of the best sleep you can get in my opinion. The only draw back is if it then rains all day long. You are tired most of the day. Rain can put me into a coma! I also slept in this morning. I guess my internal alarm clock was asleep too!

I bought a proper web address for this blog. You can now get here by going to Sorry the .com was not available. But this one will work just the same.

I will be taking the weekend off. As I will be with my girlfriend. I will be back Monday morning with another post.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Free Satellite Television

I have been contemplating buying a "Free To Air" satellite system for some time now. They are not jammed pack with great channels. But there are enough, to make it worth not paying the "Dish" company more money every month! And I can pick up all the local stations and quite a few others. With my trusty Winegard Sensar that I just upgraded with the Winegard Wingman. Which picks up all the HD channels in the area I am in. So those combined I would have a pretty good set of channels for free. That is not even including whatever channels the rv park I am staying in at the time has on it cable system! Where I am at now I get the local major networks, PBS, RetroTV, ION, and quite a few others. So I guess I can wait till I get a few extra bucks. Till I buy a new toy to fool around with! The only thing that will be a draw back for most. Is the size of the dish. It is a one meter dish. And it does not fold up That is a pretty substantial dish. But it needs to be bigger to pick up weaker signals. But I think not having another bill is well worth the increase in dish size. And not being able to mount it on the roof.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Movie night

I rented a good movie last night called 127 Hours. Its based on a true story. About a guy that goes on a day hike. And gets his arm crushed by a boulder while free climbing down into a crevice. It did have its odd moments. But over all it was a very good movie! I suggest it to anyone who is into hiking or the outdoors.

You know one of the best parts about living in an rv. Is if you don't like where you are. Or don't like your neighbors. You hook up to your house and move! That is not an easy option for someone in a regular house. It would be rather costly if you did not like your neighbors and or surroundings! I read a story yesterday on another blog. Where someone had a rather crappy neighbor move in next to them at a park. And pretty much shoe horn themselves in right next to their door. Well they ended up telling of the situation to the park owner. And moving to another spot. It seems people these days have lost respect for others! I mean if they would have done that to the other people. A fist fight probably would have broke out over it! I think we should go back to the days of treating others well. And holding the door open for others. And saying please and thank you. I will be the first to admit that I forget my manners from time to time. But 9 times out of 10 I do the right thing. Guess I was just raised differently or something? Okay enough ranting!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Coffee Time!

I started drinking coffee a few weeks ago. (I used to drink soda in the mornings instead) And early in the mornings setting here drinking my coffee and reading blogs. Is by far my favorite time of the day! I guess that is partly to blame for this blog. LOL! But I digress. I suppose it is the calmness of the day which makes it so nice. Just me setting here in my pjs waking up. And reading someone else's thoughts on one thing or another. It is just a great way to start the day!

Thanks for reading!

Trey Allensworth

Welcome to my new blog!

This blog will be a record of my travels. And other things I find of interest. I hope you enjoy reading of my adventures in "rving". I am also writing a book about living and traveling in an rv. When it is finished purchase information will be here. Please feel free to leave a comment or send me an email!

