Friday, June 10, 2011

Weather and new web address

Hello out there in the interweb. Just setting here drinking my morning coffee. And writing this entry. It has been raining most of the night I guess. It was lighting when I laid down. So I guess the rain was not far behind. Who knows because I slept right though it. I just love sleeping while it is raining out. That is some of the best sleep you can get in my opinion. The only draw back is if it then rains all day long. You are tired most of the day. Rain can put me into a coma! I also slept in this morning. I guess my internal alarm clock was asleep too!

I bought a proper web address for this blog. You can now get here by going to Sorry the .com was not available. But this one will work just the same.

I will be taking the weekend off. As I will be with my girlfriend. I will be back Monday morning with another post.

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